Masterclass MINT - Mars 2025

3 Mars

Masterclass MINT - Mars 2025

Programme :

13H30 - 14H30
Joseba Dalmau (Maître de Conférences Associé à Temps Partiel, INSA de Toulouse)

Title : Safe and Trustworthy AI: Challenges in Adoption for Critical Industries

Abstract :
Despite the remarkable success of AI in fields such as computer vision and natural language processing, its widespread adoption in critical industries like aviation, railways, and autonomous driving remains a significant challenge. In this talk, we will explore the key technical obstacles and challenges that hinder the deployment of AI in safety-critical applications. Additionally, we will provide an overview of the major research efforts aimed at addressing these issues and advancing AI for critical domains.

15H - 16H
Jean-Claude Yakoubsohn (professeur émérite à l'IMT)

Title: Solving equations and systems of polynomial equations: a numerical approach.

We will explain the modern point of view on the numerical resolution of polynomial equations.
Three points will be addressed.
1- The founding principle of Smale's alpha theory for polynomials of one variable.
2- The Weierstrass' method for the simultaneous calculation of all roots of a polynomial.
3- Smale's problem concerning the computation of a root of a system of polynomial equations.

16H - pause café